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GIRI forum: How do we make decisions and how does this lead to error?
[글로벌정책리서치] 영국ㅣ런던플랜ㅣ도시재생ㅣ주택정책
Panikos Panayi talks about 'Migrant City: A New History of London'
London Assembly Plenary meeting about the London Stadium
Only a local affair'? Local identities and communities in London's Boer War Carnivals of 1900
This Other London Storywalk - Myths and Legends of Finsbury, Pentonville & Barnsbury
MDAG 'Growing London' - Part 3 with the Panel
City of London walk and talks
Executive - Thursday 11 February 2021
How to be an effective leader in a crisis - 29 May 2020
London Summit 2015 - City Life: New Designs for an Urban Planet (I)